
LML-validation-tool for LML of Version 1.3 tar.gz

In order to generate valid LML-files it is useful to check the validity against the XML-Schema, which defines the structure and main rules for LML-files. Unfortunately, some constraints for LML-files cannot be defined with an XML-Schema. For example: it is not possible to define the rule, that the value of a min-attribute within a nodedisplay-tag is smaller than the value of the corresponding max-attribute.

<el1 min="10" max="3" oid="job1" />
At present there is no way to define with an XML-Schema that this LML-code is incorrect. It is important to catch these errors so that applications, which use LML as input, do not have to scan for these errors. This makes it easier to handle the complex LML-structure. The program can expect LML-files to be valid. As a result processing LML-files can be realized very fast, because many errors and exceptions can be foreclosed before the program starts.

There are many ways to define rules for XML-files in addition to the global structure given by the XML-Schema. The validation tool, which can be downloaded from this homepage, uses XSLT-files to define additional constraints. Some constraints are difficult to define with the concept of XSLT. These rules are checked by a java-application especially implemented for checking special rules for LML-files.

LML-files have to pass the following tests to be evaluated as valid:
  1. Test against XML-Schema
  2. Test with an XSL-file, which defines more complex constraints
  3. Test special constraints by a Java-application, which are difficult to define by the previous methods
The LML-validation-tool can be used to check all rules defined for LML-files. If the generated LML-file passes all checks, the file can be evaluated as valid.

The download for this validation-tool contains a README, which explains how to install and use the tool.

Documentation of tested constraints

In addition to validating LML-files against the LML's Schema the following constraints are checked by this validation tool:

The following constraints are checked by XSL-transformations:
The following constraints are checked by a Java-application:

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